Sunday, May 12, 2013

Out Ridin' Fences

This song was one of my all time favorite's growing up. I would sit in my room, on my bed and listen to the Eagles Greatest Hits CD for HOURS on my skip-free CD player or were those called walk-men too? I'm sure I would be trying to do science homework at the same time and maybe THAT's why memories of biology class pop into my mind every time I hear it. Of course I've heard the song countless times over the years but yesterday was the first time, in probably a year, that I had heard it, and maybe the first time in many years that I really HEARD - capital H E A R D - the song.

It sometimes/always surprises me when life imitates art. Most notably for me, of course, is when I find myself doing just that. Perhaps growing up to this song I was destined to a life of self-fulfilling prophecy influenced by the overexposure to the sirenic (There's a good chance I just made that word up - think Odyssey) vocal chords of Don Henley. The song is open to interpretation and means something different to everyone, of course, but yesterday it sure lent perspective and nudged me into a zone of self-awareness previously unvisited.

There IS a way this is tied into the Walkabout on a personal level. Indirectly. At the very association. Its connection is certainly not drawn from how the Walkabout was first conceived but perhaps by what it has so far become and done to me before I've even taken my first step.

Well so much for just embedding the song onto the site and allowing you to enjoy its sweet folk-esque tune. I always end up tripping into some pit of written ramblings that I have a chronically difficult time getting out of. I need to make some GoPro videos. Hmmm I'll get started on that....Cheers till next time.

P.S. I was very tired when I wrote this...should be fun to reread this in the morning haha.

Blindstone OUT!