Friday, March 15, 2013

Fear and Loathing...and Classic Rock


BIG NEWS! Extry Extry Read All About It!

I've had a strained relationship with my job and at times I've paid for riding on that rocky road. Despite all the potholes, curves, hills, and dead ends, I am very grateful for my job because it is financially responsible for making the Walkabout possible. Ironically, my job was also the most likely contender for putting the kibosh on the journey.

Since times are tough and I would have been hard pressed to walk away from my career all together, I made the decision that I would request a year's leave without pay. Since the inception (BRRRRR) of the Walkabout, fear of rejection for my request has plagued my thoughts. Perhaps foolishly, I went on with planning, training, researching, and gearing-up despite not having my office's blessing. The point had come where regardless of my boss' ruling, the Walkabout had gained so much momentum that the threat of losing the job, which I worked pretty hard to get, had become weightless.

ALAS! On the morning of 13 March, 2013 Ano Domini, the Year of Our Lord...I met with the Director of my office seeking her blessing and official approval for a year's sabbatical from the workforce (something about a new Pope being selected happened too...). The fear of rejection that had been mounting for the last year or so had come to this 15 minute window.

Boss: Please close the door behind you...Ulysses.

Me: Ok

....*flash forward 15 minutes

Me: Alright, will do. You have a great weekend.

 *walks down hall and proceeds to do about 20 mental fist pumps!

Approval Status: ACCEPTED! That right, people! We are FULL STEAM AHEAD!

While the song may not necessarily be appropriate for this situation...a special thanks to Freddie Mercury and Steve Perry for the songs "Don't Stop Me Now" and " Don't Stop Believin," respectively, as they were coursing through the folds in my brain for the subsequent 48 hours.

Many a mental faculty will be tried, measured, and possibly altered while navigating through the American mind's eye will be wide open to new life altering experiences! I do not expect this will be my last time addressing my career with the immortalized, rebellious question posed by The Clash: "Should I stay or should I go?"

As I wave off the rocky road behind me,  the only road that lay ahead now is....

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