Monday, August 12, 2013

Isle Royale: Day 5 - A Hour Tour

The final day on the island. The Tobin Harbor Midnight Dock Crew (details to follow later...) said our farewells at the loading of the Voyageur II (what happened to Voyageur I,  you ask? I don't know if I want to know). Jordyn and Sarah were amazing and fast friends and I will miss sharing a hut with them...and the ominous...BOOK OF QUESTIONS!!!

Don, Andy, and myself boarded the vessel and embarked on a 6-7 hour trip back to Grand Portage, Minnesota. More friends were made aboard the ship and luckily no one got sea sick or scurvy! I had the pleasure of getting to know a father and his son, Al, who just hiked along the Greenstone Ridge Trail. I also a had a chance to get to know a girl named Catherine (spelling?) who was tied to a group of young ladies charged with helping out a friend gather data for a research project concerning the in-island lakes. Catherine and I also had the pleasure of getting to know the Voyageur II's firstmate on a more intense level...he was hands down the saltiest dude I've ever met. Fifteen or twenty years being tied to Lake Superior, that guy! "The lake giveth but it can just as quickly taketh away" (paraphrasing a bit).

Cutting to the end, the boys and I said our farewells back on land and assured each other that this wouldn't be the last adventure we had together...Yellowstone? This might not be the last we see of the Brothers Don and Andy...

Oh sorry for the order of the pictures. Some are out of sorts but you can probably figure out what goes where for yourselves.



  1. Stunning, as are all your photos of Isle Royale. It must be the best time of year to seethe park. keep om trekking, Mike!

  2. Really jealous man. Keep it up!
