Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Theodore Roosevelt: South Unit: Riders on the Storm

As promised, good people, the final post on Theodore Roosevelt National Park! 

I never originally planned to stay here for the duration that I did. At first, three days tops sounded like more than enough time I'd need at this park I'd never even heard of before. Looking back, my additional time was time well spent. 

So without further adieu...I give to you the Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit. Now not a great deal of time was spent soaking up the sights. The wildlife, however, was abundant...and not very shy, save a handful of prairie dogs. In fact the most rewarding aspect of this portion of the park was to view the wildlife - ranging from prairie dogs to beasts as large as a horse and buffalo - travel in their "towns," teams, or herds.

The prairie dogs had an alarm system that they would initiate every time I got too close. One doggie would start yelping in a very staccato cadence - almost like a fidgeting conductor - every time I got within a certain distance of the "town." While entertaining, I didn't want to mess with them and intrude on their animal kingdom...come on, folks, haven't you seen the Lion King or Pocahontas?! How about Ferngully? Man, Disney used to be so good! Anywhoo....

While I was in the South Unit, time favored me enough to allow adequate moments to set up camp before the most heinously enormous (Does that even make sense? I don't care...I live in the woods now, rememeber?...Cut me some slack...I've been talking to myself for 2 months now, isn't that right, Mike?) storm arrived. You'll see below what I'm talking about. If I didn't know better I'd say that Saurman was preparing to unleash his world-ending army out to destroy me and everyone else in its horizon-engulfing path (Well at least we know I'm still a nerd). 

Well before I come to my senses and realize that other people might read this, I'm going to wrap up this rambling. 

Also, who doesn't like a good horse picture. "Look at that horse!" Some of you will get that one. Finally, the next morning, some almost heavenly haloed-Buffalo wished me farewell as I left the park to head west across the great, enormous state of Montana. 

A prize to the first person to guess where I'm headed next...


Remind anyone of a certain viral Youtube video of yore?

Prairie Dog Town!

I mean, if I were to draw a picture of "Impending Doom," it might look like this.

After the storm, I drove 11 miles around the park and found this place...good place to think and sit. Not necessarily in that order.

Old gray mare ain't what she used to be?

Whats the National Geographic? You should totally hire me? Fiiiiiiine!

No! Let ME get out of the way...

Cowboys of Moo Mesa?

My friend Shanan owns this shop in Medora, ND. Not sure if she has a website but, Shanan, if you check out the blog still feel free to leave a comment for followers to check out.

Jameson, of course. Looking back however I wish I order a sarsaparilla.

Not sure about the antelope but check on the Buffalo!


  1. I hope Jeep are sponsoring you!

  2. I am having so much fun reading about your journey and loving the photos! You were able to capture part of what brings me so much joy in the Badlands of North Dakota. Thank you! What an inspiration you are and so cool to have met you. I'll be watching for more updates and photos. Take care and safe travels! Shanan
    PS Thanks for the shout out - facebook.com/thehomemerchant :)

  3. I'm betting the photos don't do the sites justice. I'm living vicariously. Keep it coming!!
